March 31, 2011

How to Get Better #2

Pills. Painful concentration. Puppies.

Brain to knee: "STEP. OVER. THAT. THING". 
Brain to knee: "BEND, will ya!!"     Knee: "owwwww!!!

"Bo" the therapy doggy


  1. I like the first photo very much!
    others... O U C H! I think I've heard knee answering "PRRRRR"
    doggy hahahaha cute

  2. 1. first foto inspired by you (channelling my inner gemini)
    2. Ouch fotos were the least gruesome available!!!! (and prove i have little pride!!!!)
    3. robot knee does purr, it's quite happy there - the non-robot bits are cross with it intruding, just like cats:)

  3. Sue I should warn you that leaving yellow bars on the floor even if the floor has a blue mat, can lead to SLIPS and FALLS.
    Brain to knee "bend will ya" looks like some sort of dance, the Bendy Knee. Sort of like the hokey pokey, only with grimaces and cries. Put your right knee in, put your right knee out, put your right knee in and GIVE A GREAT BIG SHOUT....

  4. I 4got to say, the lovely pills in the glasses with the shadows is a super photo, hooooo

  5. thank you anonymous! you sure know a lot about Slips and Falls!
