Dogs everywhere love to have their fun. They can be a good example to us silly old humans.
This week we will see some international, multi-lingual characters from three diverse cultures. (And, occasionally, their owners ....)
Today's song is Who Let The Dogs Out? (Baha Men) - a classic conversion of doggy fun into musical fun (mon)!First we visit two Manhattan dog parks (called "dog runs"). Manhattan is a small space crammed with millions of people and thousands of dogs. The lucky dogs live near a dog run. There is an impressive number of dog runs in NYC and this is good for dogs and humans alike. Most Manhattan dog runs are within public parks, but were started by local owners and are maintained improved and funded by volunteers. Dogs and their humans enjoy regular festivals and parties, swimming pools, free tennis balls and other essentials. Some even have their own websites - this is NYC after all!
Then we make a brief trip uptown, where the owners may be too busy to take their dogs out to the local dog run ...
Tompkins Square Park in the East Village - the party is always on!!!!
Tompkins Square Park dog run is called "First Run" because it was the first in Manhattan. Twenty years ago, local dog owners were desperate for a safe place to exercise their dogs amid the seriously mean streets of the East Village at that time. City Hall granted them a space in the park on condition that they would manage and fund it. Today it's a big, lively and happy place.
Union Square Park - a peaceful corner to contemplate and chat.
Upper East Side - nothing but the best ... (the best dog-walkers)
A nice brisk walk alongside Central Park ...
... and time for a rest and a catch-up on E. 97th St.
NEXT: Les chiens de Paris
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